Hello coders, welcome to the second part of our MERN Stack Job Finder project In this tutorial, we will develop the backend or API of the MERN Stack Job Finder application using MongoDB, ExpressJs, and NodeJs.
Get Started
Firstly move to the server directory eg: cd server
1.Create a .env file
The .env file will contain the following:
i. MONGODB_URL = database connection string
ii. JWT_SECRET_KEY = your secreate key
iii. PORT = 8800
iv. AUTH_EMAIL= email address
v. AUTH_PASSWORD=email access password
vi. APP_URL = http://localhost:8800/api-v1
Note: I used hotmail account to send verification email, so you can just create one
because hotmail account is reliable in product and has no configuration.
Alos, chnage API_URL when you deploy your app else use localhost with the appropriate port number
2. Run npm install to install the packages
3. Run npm start to start the server